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Service Store

This tutorial demonstrates the use of the Service Store feature.


  • An installation of Legend with the following components:

    • Studio
    • Engine
    • SDLC
  • Familiarity with the following Legend concepts:

    • Data modeling with classes, associations
    • Data modeling with stores, mappings, connections and runtimes
    • Data modeling with Legend services

Showcase project

Service Store showcase project


In Legend, a Store is a "system" that stores data. A common store is a relational database like say Postgres.

But data is stored and served by other systems that are not databases. A ServiceStore treats a REST/HTTP based API (or "service") as a store of data.

This allows users to model and access data the same way irrespective of whether the data is from a relational database or a REST API.

With this definition in place, we can query a GraphQL server that implements the above types, as follows :

1. Basic modeling

We start with a simple model of Users and Repositories. This tutorial demonstrates how we map these logical concepts to the Github API.

// A user is associated with one/more repositories

Class legend::showcase::servicestore::models::Repository
id: Integer[1];
name: String[1];
full_name: String[1];
private: Boolean[1];

Class legend::showcase::servicestore::models::User
name: String[0..1];
email: String[0..1];
login: String[1];
id: Integer[1];
node_id: String[1];
avatar_url: String[1];
gravatar_id: String[1];
// elided ...
site_admin: Boolean[1];
starred_at: String[0..1];

Association legend::showcase::servicestore::models::UserRepository
user: legend::showcase::servicestore::models::User[0..1];
repositories: legend::showcase::servicestore::models::Repository[*];

2. Service Store

The ServiceStore DSL is how we describe the logical shape of an API or "service" that provides data.

ServiceStore legend::showcase::servicestore::store::GithubApis
Service UsersApi
path : '/users';
method : GET;
response : [legend::showcase::servicestore::models::User <- legend::showcase::servicestore::store::GithubApisBinding];
security : [];
ServiceGroup UserApiGroup
path : '/users';

Service UserApi
path : '/{username}';
method : GET;
parameters :
username : String ( location = path )
response : legend::showcase::servicestore::models::User <- legend::showcase::servicestore::store::GithubApisBinding;
security : [];
Service RepoApi
path : '/{username}/repos';
method : GET;
parameters :
username : String ( location = path )
response : legend::showcase::servicestore::models::Repository <- legend::showcase::servicestore::store::GithubApisBinding;
security : [];

In the example above, we declare a "service" called UserApi that is accessible over an HTTP path /users/{username} and returns data that can be mapped to the logical model class legend::showcase::servicestore::models::User

3. Binding

A binding is how we bind to an external data format. The Service definition points to a Binding.

Service UserApi
path : '/{username}';
method : GET;
parameters :
username : String ( location = path )
response : legend::showcase::servicestore::models::User <- legend::showcase::servicestore::store::GithubApisBinding;
security : [];

The definition of the binding declares that the "service" returns data of type JSON.

Binding legend::showcase::servicestore::store::GithubApisBinding
contentType: 'application/json';
modelIncludes: [

4. Mapping

Just as with other stores in Legend, the logical model is mapped to the logical definition of the store.

Mapping legend::showcase::servicestore::mapping::GithubAPIMapping
*legend::showcase::servicestore::models::User[user]: ServiceStore
~service [legend::showcase::servicestore::store::GithubApis] UsersApi
~service [legend::showcase::servicestore::store::GithubApis] UserApiGroup.UserApi
username = $this.login
// elided ...

legend::showcase::servicestore::models::UserRepository: XStore
user[repo, user]: $that.login == $this.username,
repositories[user, repo]: $that.username == $this.login

In the example above, we map the logical class legend::showcase::servicestore::models::User to the data returned by the UsersApi.

We also map the class to the data returned by the UserApiGroup.UserApi. Since this service definition accepts a username parameter, we map the parameter as well.

TODO - Update the explanation of parameter mapping and also describe XStore

5. Connection

So far we have modeled a logical "service". Using the Connection we describe a specific physical service.

ServiceStoreConnection legend::showcase::servicestore::connection::GithubConnection
store: legend::showcase::servicestore::store::GithubApis;
baseUrl: '';

In the above example, we declare that we want to consume data from the Github API hosted at

For production use cases, the Connection should include a definition of the authentication protocol to be used when connecting to the service.

6. Legend Service

Finally, we have a "Legend Service" that groups all the above concepts.

Service legend::showcase::servicestore::service::FetchGithubUsers
pattern: '/legend/showcase/servicestore/fetchUsers';
documentation: '';
autoActivateUpdates: true;
execution: Single
query: |legend::showcase::servicestore::models::User.all()->graphFetch(#{legend::showcase::servicestore::models::User{avatar_url,email,events_url,followers_url,following_url,gists_url,gravatar_id,html_url,id,login,name,node_id,organizations_url,received_events_url,repos_url,site_admin,starred_at,starred_url,subscriptions_url,type,url}}#)->serialize(#{legend::showcase::servicestore::models::User{avatar_url,email,events_url,followers_url,following_url,gists_url,gravatar_id,html_url,id,login,name,node_id,organizations_url,received_events_url,repos_url,site_admin,starred_at,starred_url,subscriptions_url,type,url}}#);
mapping: legend::showcase::servicestore::mapping::GithubAPIMapping;
runtime: legend::showcase::servicestore::runtime::ServiceStoreRuntime;

7. Execution

When the above service is executed, Legend connects to the Github API via the Connection, fetches the data and maps it to the logical domain classes.

Service UI

Service Execution


Reference documentation on the design/implementation of the ServiceStore integration can be found here.


Legend Engine source code is in the Maven modules named legend-engine-xt-servicestore-XXXX
