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Connect to Databases

Create a Relational Database Schema

Define the schema definition of the relational database you wish to connect to the data model.

  1. Hit the + icon.
  2. Select New Relational Database.
  3. Enter the name of the Database, for example H2DemoDataBase.

The Studio form mode currently does not support defining the Relational Database schema. Please select Edit in text mode to continue.

  1. Define the database by adding tables, columns and joins.

Please refer to below sample SQL snippet to set up a in-memory H2 demo database.

Database demo::H2DemoDataBase
Table FirmTable
legal_name VARCHAR(200)
Table EmployeeTable
firm_id INTEGER,
full_name VARCHAR(200),
country_id INTEGER
Table CountryTable
country_name VARCHAR(200)

Join FirmEmployee(EmployeeTable.firm_id =
Join EmployeeCountry(EmployeeTable.country_id =

Create a Relational Mapping

Map the columns of your relational tables to the properties defined in the data model.

Define the Relational Mapping

  1. Hit the + icon.
  2. Select New mapping
  3. Enter the name of the Mapping, for example DemoRelationalMapping.
  4. Define the mapping target: Drag a class into the editor where it says Add a mapping element for example the Firm class. Then selectCreate.
  5. Define the mapping source: Drag the H2DemoDataBase Relational Database in the editor where it says Choose a source.
  6. Choose the table specified in the Relational Database schema that contains the columns you wish to map to your data model properties. Let's choose the FirmTable.
  7. Map the column names on the left-hand side to the property names in the center of the editor screen. Let's map the legal_name column to the legalName property.

Execute the Relational Mapping

To ensure that the mapping has been done correctly and the desired data is actually returned, let's execute the relational mapping.

  1. Right click on the class you wish to test execution for. Let's aim to query Firm data by right-clicking on the Firm class and selecting Execute.
  2. Hit the Edit query button to define your test query.
  3. Create test data either from SQL or csv.
  4. Hit the Execute button to test execution.

Create Relational Mapping Test

It is good practice to define tests for each of your relational mappings. That way, changes to the model and mappings can be performed more safely.

  1. Right click on the class you wish to set up the test for. Let's set up a test for the Firm class by right-clicking on it and selecting Test.
  2. Alternatively, you can select the + icon where it says Let's add some tests!. Select the class from the dropdown you wish to create the test for.
  3. Hit the Edit query button to define your test query.
  4. Create test data either from SQL or csv.
  5. Hit the Execute button to test execution.

You can test all the queries and relational mappings at once by hitting the Run all tests button.

Create a Connection

Define the Connection details between the relational database and the data model.

  1. Hit the + icon.
  2. Select New connection
  3. Enter the name of the Connection, for example H2DemoConnection.
  4. Select Relational Model Connection

Start entering the Connection details in the General tab. First, choose the Database type.

Database type

Specify the type of relational database you wish to connect to. Studio currently supports:

  • H2 (in-memory test database)
  • Snowflake
  • BigQuery


Specify the connection details of your selected database type.


To execute against an in-memory H2 test data base, you would need to define test data by adding SQL to Test data setup SQL.

H2 Embedded

Coming soon.


Coming soon.

Specify Static connection details by adding the below details.

  • Host
  • port
  • Database


Coming soon.

Specify Snowflake connection details by adding the below details.

  • Account
  • Region
  • Warehouse
  • Database
  • Cloud type


Coming soon.

Specify BigQuery connection details by adding the below details.

  • Project id
  • Default dataset


Define how access to the database should be authenticated in the Authentication specifications.

H2 Default

No further input needed if you select the H2 Default authentication specifications.

Snowflake Public

More details coming soon

Specify Snowflake authentication details by adding the below details.

  • Private key vault reference
  • Pass phrase vault reference
  • Public user name

Gcp Application Default Credentials

Coming soon.

Specify GCP authentication details.

Username password

Coming soon.

Specify Username password authentication details.

Create a Runtime

The combination of the relational mapping and the connection details are specified in the Runtime.

  1. Hit the + icon.
  2. Select New runtime
  3. Enter the name of the Connection, for example H2DemoRuntime.
  4. Select the relational mapping you want to specify for your runtime, for example DemoRelationalMapping
