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Installation Guide

There are multiple ways to get started with Legend: getting access to the Studio hosted instance, using Legend Omnibus to get the Legend environment up and running locally, or installing Legend.

There are a few different options to install and use Legend. They are listed below in increasing order of integration and installation complexity.

Setup Maven

This instllation option is for software developers who want to build and run Legend from source. Instructions can be found here.

Docker Compose

This option is a more automated process to start Legend Docker images for running a proof of concept. Instructions can be found here.

Production Install

A production install will have to be adjusted to match your specific deployment environment. We publish Docker images, but some additional setup is required.

This includes but is not limited to:

  • Configuring SSL Certificates
  • Configuring OAuth on Gitlab
  • Configuring authentication using an identity provider

We are happy to help develop installation instructions to meet your particular deployment environment.
