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Map your Model to other Data Models

Discover, access and re-use existing models, classes, mappings, runtimes, functions. Recommend a way for others to access your models, classes, mappings, runtimes, functions, and share helpful information about your data with consumers.

Connect model to model

Connect your model to another model to de-duplicate modeling efforts and use recommended datasets and models. Transform, re-use and refine data models. Re-use classes, mappings, and runtimes that make sense for your data model.


Showcase projects

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Add a project/data model dependency to your data model

Add a project/data model dependency to your data model and resolve project dependency conflicts.

Showcase projects

See features in action in showcase projects.


Re-use transformation logic in mappings or services (customized functions)

Re-use transformation logic as part of your mappings or services by defining customized functions.


Showcase projects

See features in action in showcase projects.

